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There was a time when the local radio business was competitive and filled with  creative and talented people.   And then 1996 came along and the business changed.   The big got bigger.  And then  even bigger.  Entertaining and informative radio (and a lot of great talent) slowly went away and soon we had McRadio.   You know, a Big Mac in Miami is the same as a Big Mac in Seattle.  Instead of Big Macs it’s Ryan Seacrest coast to coast.  Sad.   The big corporate boys and girls removed what what made radio great:  LOCALISM.  Almost all the STL stations are now owned by three out of town media conglomerates.  But things are changing.    The value of stations has declined so much that local ownership is possible again.   But what’s missing is the fun times and that  good old fashioned competitive nature of local radio.   Well, its coming back and RadioPoop is here to inform you, entertain you, and stir the pot a little bit with truth, lies and quarter inch audio tape (remember when?)

I’m Brad Hildebrand, The Grand Poopah and life-long fan of radio.    My goal is to give you some scoop, tell some stories, talk a little trash (maybe more depending on who!!) spread some gossip, indulge in a little satire and have some fun.   So here’s to fun times.   To paraphrase Joe Ballsievoice “And the Poop just keeps on Coming”